Tues. 7/19
Buy In – Patriot Run 9-15-21-15-9 Deadlifts @ 155/118 Dubs – Sub 2:1 Singles + 5 Burpees Pull Ups
Mon. 7/18/16
9min AMRAP 9 Power Snatch 75/55 12 Burpee Box Jump 24/20
Fri. 7/15
5pm will be the last training session today there will not be a 6pm session – BI 5 BFB 4 Rounds 5 Thrusters 155/118 15 Cal. Row 25 Singles 5 BFB
Th. 7/14
Last session Friday 7/15/16 will be 5pm there will be no 6pm session Friday 15-12-9-6 WBS PC PU TT