Mon. 10/19/15

Rooow…. Heavy Maaaan! Keep it light, go easy on ’em. Ain’t none of it easy if you don’t want it to be. Run Jump have some fun with the get up and get down. You know that thing everybody loves to hate.

Fri. 10/16/15

FSquats Heavy 3 – 4 Rounds Tri/Pat/Pat/Tri 10 SDHP 100/73 10 HPC&J ‘….’ 10 Dips 10 DU

Th. 10/15/15

BI: Tri Turn + 1stair Circuit (out and in no. Bay door then up no. Stair down so.) 10! WBS 20/14 KB GTO Snatch 24/16 (2 hands on 1 KB) 10 BF Sit Up ea round 100m Row ea round BO: 5 KB Sn. per side 24/16 (hang power ok)

Wed. 10/14/15

OHS – Heavy 5 – 3 Rounds 15 Ball Slams (25/20) 12 OHS (100/73) 8per BR BS Lunges (100/73) 6 BR PP 1 Rope Climb 15′ Tri Turn 1 Rope Climb BO: 5 GTO (100/73)