4 SPOTS LEFT! FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE! We will be hosting a double -under semina

4 SPOTS LEFT! FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE! We will be hosting a double -under seminar with the Jump N Rope staff on May 14,2022 4:30-6:00 PM. Their charges for the class is $75. Message us or text 561-891-1257 if interested!
Tuesday 04/19/22

Tuesday 04/19/22 Memorial Wod – Marathon (45min Cap) 2 Rounds 400m Run 26 HR Push Ups 400m Run 26 KBS @ 24/16 400m Run 26 Sit Ups 400m Run 26 Deadlifts @ 75/55 400m Run 26 Air Squats 400m Run 26 Box Jumps @ 24/20 This workout serves as a memorial for the victims of…
Monday 04/18/22
Monday 04/18/22 *Double Under Seminar is Coming – 05/14! Limited spots available, reserve yours now! Strength – Build To Heavy Back Squats – 5 x 5 Then – 1 x 20 @ 50+% Wod – For Time 500-400-300-200-100m Run 25-20-15-10-5 Power Snatches @ 75/55 *Do Not Drop Barbell From Overhead*
Good Friday – 04/15/22
Good Friday – 04/15/22 Passion WOD 100 Double Unders 800m Barbell Carry @ 95/65 100 Burpees In the spirit of Easter, this workout was designed to remind us of the pain and suffering that Jesus experienced that day when He laid down His life as an act of sacrifice for us all. * 100 Double…