Tues 5/26/15
BSquats 4×5 – 10 Rounds 5 wbs (20/14) 10 sumo deadlift (185/138) 5 Dips (wt’d/bw)
Mon. 5/23/15
Today: 10am only; Memorial Day Murph
Fri. 5/22/15
5x(1+1+1) – (Squat Clean+PJ+SJ) – Post Load – The Chief 3 Power Clean (135/103) 6 Push Ups 9 Air Squats to Med. Ball Rest 1min. – Repeat for a total of 5 cycles
Wed. 5/19/15
Push Press 5×5 – But In&Out: Pat. Run 3-6-9-12-9-6-3 Cal. Row WBS (20/14) OHS (115/88)