Fri. 4/3/15
BB Bench build to a heavy set of 10 – BB Row 4×10 – Bulgarian Squat 3x10per leg – 2k Row
Push Jerk build to Heavy 3 post Load – 9-15-21-15-9 WBS (20/14) T2B STO (115/88) Tri. Turn
Sumo Deadlift build to a heavy 3 – Strict Dead Hang Pull Ups 5×5 – 10! Sumo Dealift (225/168) Box Jumps(24/20) 10per round DU (Sub: 30 singles + 3 Burpees)
OHS 7×3 – OH Walking Lunges 3×10 steps – Randy 75 Power Snatches (75/53)