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Friday 05/28/21 Hero Wod – Leon Smith Jr. For Time – 20 Toes 2…
R.E.D. Friday 05/28/21 Hero Wod – Leon Smith Jr. For Time – 20 Toes 2 Bar 20 Shoulder to Overhead @ 135/95 20 Handstand Push Ups 20 Overhead Squats @ “ “ 20 Double Unders 18 Clean & Jerks @ “ “ This Firefighter Hero WOD is dedicated to Leon Smith, Jr., FDNY, Ladder 118,…
Mon. 05/31/21 Memorial Day 2021 Hero Wod – Murph ‘Nuff said!! Dedicated in memory…
Mon. 05/31/21 Memorial Day 2021 Hero Wod – Murph ‘Nuff said!! Dedicated in memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28, 2005.
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