
Warm Up Tri. Turn 200m Row Shoulder Mob. – Front raise-BR SP-Good Morn. 5reps ea. @ wide med close grip then 5 Pass Throughs – Hip Mob. Leg Swings 10 per leg, side to side and front to back – PVC Pipe BR Thrusters 10 OHS 10 Metcon (100/68) 5 Min. Amrap 5 Hang Power […]

Wed 8/26/15

Beast Mode Bear Complex 4×3 warm up build to mod heavy – Death By A Bear EMOM until Failure

Tues. 8/25/15

BSquat 4×5 – Strict DH Pull Ups 4×5 Ok to super set or switch order of completion. – For Time Tri. Turn 20 Pull-ups 10 Thrusters (115/88) Tri. Turn 15 Pull Ups 15 Thrusters ‘…..’ Tri. Turn 10 Pull Ups 20 Thrusters ‘…..’

Mon 8/24/15

SP 4×5 post load – Hollow Rock Holds 10 x 5-10 sec. holds – Per. Run/iQ Run/Pat. Run/Tri. Turn 200m Row 15 DU (sub. 8 Burpees) 10 Singles 5 Burpee Box Jumps 20″ – (Run sub:farmers per/stair walk: 5-4-3-2 circuits)