Wed. 5/19/15

Push Press 5×5 – But In&Out: Pat. Run 3-6-9-12-9-6-3 Cal. Row WBS (20/14) OHS (115/88)

Teus. 5/19/15

4 rounds 10 PullUp 10DU-10Single-10DU-10Single 10 GTO (135/103) 10D-10S-10D-10S 10 KBS (32/24) 10’s 10 Air Squat 10’s 200m Run (Du sub: 5 Burpees and 40 singles)

Mon 5/18/15

Hang Snatch 5×2 – Snatch High Pull 5×3 – 10 Rounds 3 Power Snatch (115/78) 6 Burpees over the bar

Fri. 5/15/15

KB/DB SP 4×12 – DB Row 3×10 – 4 Rounds 3 Snatch any way 5 BR Thrusters 7 Clean any way 15 DU 15 Singles – Rx = (135/103)