Tues. 4/28/15

Front Squat – 4×10 – BB Row – 4×10 – 20-16-12-8 DB Split Cleans – alt. legs (total #. Not per side) DB Snatch – any way – (again total #. Not per side. Do not have to alt. sides. Use one of the DB’s being used for the cleans) T2B

Mon. 4/27/15

split jerk 5×2 – 10! Power Clean (135/103) Dips (no wt. allowed) Strict Push Ups 1! Row for cal. – (Note. The row increases from 1 to 10) (30min. Cap on met con)

Fri. 4/24/15

BB Bench. 4×10 work sets – for load – Strict a Dead Hang Pull Ups 5×5 – Hand Stand Work 5 – 10min – 3000m row for time

Th. 4/23/15

Hang a Clean – Heavy 2 – 12min. EMOM 3 Squat Clean (185/138) 10 WBS(20/14) – Rest 5-10 min – For Time Per. Run 500m Row Tri. turn.