Mon. 11/10/14

1000m Row 100 DU 600m Run 750m Row 75 DU 500m Run 500m Row 50 DU 400m Run Buy Out 10 KB Snatch (20/16) – any way 10 Goblet Squats 10 Ring Rows 10 Goblet Squats 10 KB Sn. – Do not run on side walks DU Sub – 100 Singles Buy In, and 100 […]

Fri. 11/7/14

4 Rounds 400m Run 21 KBS (24/20) 12 Dips 6 Burpee Lateral Jumps over and back – 45# plate – (both feet must land on plate with each jump)

Th. 11/6/14

OHS 12-10-8-6-4 – HPS 4-4-4-4 – 4 Rounds 12 SDL 8 HPS 4 OHS 2 BFB 20 DU (Sub 30singles 5Burpees x 2) 10 Cal. Row 5 T2B – R1-(135/103) R2-(115/88) R3-(95/63)

Wed. 11/5/14

Be Prepared For Whatever May Come. The Unknown and Unknowable… Toughen Up Butter Cup! ‘Clean’ Up Your Act. Keep It ‘Running’