Fri. 10/17/14
Back Rack Split Jerk 5×2 (light wt. Work mechanics) – 4 Rounds 21 KBS (24/20) 15 DU 9 WBS (20/14) 7 Cal. Row 5 per leg Goblet Lunges (alt. Front step)
Th. 10/16/14
Hang Power Snatch 5×5 – (unbroken) – Tabata Something Else 8 Rounds, 20 sec work, 10 sec rest: Pull Ups Push Ups Sit Ups Air Squats to med ball
Wed. 10/15/14
OHS 4×10 @ 3131 Tempo – 4 Rounds 10 WBS (20/14) 5 T2B 10 Dips 5 Burpee Box Jumps 20″ 10 Cal. Row Buy Out: 40 DU (Sub: 5 Burpees 40 Singles 5 Burpees 40 Singles)
Tues. 10/14/14
You have all been told about staying in control of your wts. When you don’t people get hurt and things get damaged. In an effort to “Incentivize” you… There will now be a 5 Burpee penalty instituted, to be done on the spot every time you do not stay in control. Should you cause any […]