Fri. 10/9/20

R.E.D. Friday 10/09/20 Hero Wod – Randy For Time – 75 Power Snatches @ 75/53 Time Permitting –1500m Row For Time In memory of Randy Simmons, 51 and a 27 year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member who was killed in the line of duty on February 6, 2008.

Thurs. 10/8/20

Thurs. 10/08/20 Wod – For Time Patriot Run*50 Air Squats*40 Sit Ups*30 Alt. DB Hang Snatches @ 50/35*20 Toes 2 Bar*10 Handstand Push Ups*Patriot Run *Note – 10 Burpees

Wed. 10/7/20

Wed. 10/07/20 Get Use To Being Uncomfortable!! Wod – For Time Nancy 5 Rounds 400m Run15 OHS @ 95/65

Tues. 10/6/20

Tues. 10/06/20 Warm Up –1mile Run Or 1600m Row Wod – 20min. AMRAP Buy In – Patriot Run 10 WBS @ 20/148 Pull Ups6 Shoulder to Overhead @ 135/95500m Row