Thurs. 6/11/20

Thurs. 6/11/20 Oh No Cardio 2!! Wod – For Time 3 Rounds Patriot Run500m Row1min. Rest Rest 2mins, Then into – 30-20-10Air SquatsAlt. LungesSit Ups

Wed. 6/10/20

Wed. 6/10/20 Deadlifts – Build To Heavy 5 For Time – Buy In – 100 Dubs (2:1 Singles) 15-12-9-6Deadlifts @ 155/123Lateral Burpees Over & BackTri. Run Buy Out – 100 Dubs (2:1 Singles)

Tues. 6/9/20

Tues. 6/9/20 Power Cleans – Building To Heavy 3*Rep should be Touch n Go Wod – 25min AMRAP Patriot Run3 Rounds5 Pull Ups10 Power Cleans @ 135/10315 Air Squats *Start with Patriot Run, then complete 3 Rounds of 5 PU, 10 PC, 15 AS, start with Patriot Run again and repeat that sequence until time […]

Fri. 6/5/20

R.E.D. Friday 6/5/20 A Memorial WodDedicated ToGeorge Floyd 1600m Run30 Burpees800m Run20 Burpees400m Run10 Burpees400m Run20 Burpees800m Run30 Burpees1600m Run This Memorial Wod is dedicated to George Floyd, and was created by First Responder Angelo Rogers. Here is his inspiration behind it.. “I was inspired to create this workout simply because as a society we […]