IXF Crossfit in Indianapolis, Indiana is hosting a special WOD for Becky tomorrow. We will be joining them in support of Becky. Updates and details below:

#repost @faithrxd

We serve a God of miracles!⁣⁣
Becky’s eyes are open again and the breathing tube has just been pulled. She’s breathing fine on her own!!! ⁣⁣
We’ll be watching for smaller responses and awareness next. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support!⁣⁣
For anyone looking to express appreciation and support for Becky, please consider making a donation to FAITH RXD, https://faithrxd.org/shop/single-donation/
Also, IXF Crossfit in Indianapolis, Indiana is hosting a special WOD for Becky (swipe to see 👉🏽) tomorrow. They’re asking for anyone and everyone to join them. Let us know if your gym decides to do this WOD as well!⁣⁣
“Champion” – 30Min Cap⁣⁣
2 rounds:⁣⁣
25 Handstand Push Ups⁣⁣
20 Deadlifts⁣⁣
15 OHS 135/95⁣⁣
10 BBJO⁣⁣
800m Run⁣⁣
Coach Miles sent this message along, “I want her to know that there is a huge community of people who care about her and the impressions she’s made in a lot of our hearts. I know mine especially, both of you. I’m hoping if we fight and push hard enough she will feel us, she deserves as much support as I can possibly work up.”⁣

📸: @og.steve.photo