Strength –

Strict Press – 5 x 8-10 Reps

Wod – For Time

10 Rounds Total

Buy In – 200m Run

2 Rounds of
6 Deadlifts @ 225/155
12 Wall Ball Shots @ 20/14

*200m After Every 2 Rounds
(6 Runs Total)

CrossFit iQ, profile pictureMay be an image of 1 person and text that says 'TUES 12/14/21 STRENGTH: STRICT PRESS 5X 8-10 REPS K WOD FOR TIME 10 ROUNDS TOTAL BUY 200M RUN STEP 2 ROUNDS OF 6 DEADLIFTS 225/155 12 WALL BALL SHOTS @ 20/14 4 *200M AFTER EVERY 2 ROUNDS (6 RUNS TOTAL)'